
Sunday, 24 June 2018

DFI week 4

Another great session at the DFI opportunity.

My next challenge is I guess I need to learn how to insert a slideshare so that my blog posts are no longer monochromatic or have a very flat 2D feel about it.

Friday, 15 June 2018

Ahh moments DFI week 3

Maybe too much brain encourages people to become introspective.  Movement helps to take a person outside of their head.

I think that CREATE has so much more to offer than just an end product.  It helps a person to problem solve, work with others, generate blood flow, increase heart rate, improve oxygen levels, increase lung capacity,

Friday, 8 June 2018

DFI week 2

Another DFI session with lots of great moments and a couple of low times. So time to reflect -

  • What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?
The message of how devices and technologies are NOT just a tool but how it can help to amplify the learning in the class and with students.
  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?
Today's sessions worked with google sheets, google forms and google mymaps. I needed support with the google forms part. That is why this PLG is so good. The tutors were there to support and encourage me. I broke through and pushed on with their help. This is not the norm for me because in the real world I would have given up and walked away from it because I found it hard.
  • What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  
I can see how google mymap could be exciting in a classroom. I can see how I can use it to support the reading comp for my top reading groups.
One activity we did with mymaps
  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?
I know that despite the struggle I had with google forms, I can see how this will help to make my teaching activities great. With google sheets I can see how much I need it at this point because of the monitoring data we collect and reporting to parents.

Friday, 1 June 2018

Sharon DFI week 1

Today is the first day of winter. which was a beautiful sunny day.  It was also the first session of the DFI course.

The today's course was like the tide - it ebbed and flowed.  When the flowing was happening, things went really smoothly.  Things seemed to click into place and made perfect sense.  The ebbing was a totally different story.  Each ebb felt like a brick wall, the impact left me seeing stars and tiny little birds.  This was mostly due to feeling dumb and a lot slow.  I guess the positive was that there were far more "flows" than "ebbs".  The "ah moment" for me was that I am not really a risk taker.  Not the best ah moment but none-the-less, something to look and improve.